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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Book Cover Reveal: The Fall of Arcades

It's finally here! After writing twelve books as a ghostwriter over the last year and a half, I have started my own pen name!!!!!

I am so excited to reveal the cover of The Fall of Arcades.


Farrow Latimer, Prince of the Arcades:

I am the prince of darkness, the executioner and fallen angel royalty who is forbidden, love. No matter how many men or women I take to my bed none capture my heart.

As the Arcades teem with lust, debauchery, and destruction, I neither relish nor abhor my role as the most brutal of all and then I catch her....the small fairy halfling who changes my world.

Rayelynn Astraides, first daughter of the Commander of Landharn's West Shore:

The fallen angels litter the skies coming to claim us as I run from the monstrous man my father is to make me marry for failing battle school. Fallen angels are all about us and in my fear I tuck myself away.

There, beside the tree where I hide, he stands, tall, majestic, handsome... and deadly. He lets me run. I return to the battlefield to heal our wounded as I am a gifted healer. The dark angel comes again but this time to take me as his prisoner.

I see such horror and sadness, but none greater than that which lies within the fallen prince who is disallowed love yet risks all for it.

Calling all Beta Readers

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